Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hamlet's Ghost

The Ghosts in Hamlet can either be good or bad. Signs are pointed to the Ghost of Hamlet (Sr.) to be evil. From research of the time period’s belief on ghosts, ghosts who roam the night, can’t be seen during the day, visit people who have melancholic minds, and cringe at the name of God or anything holy are demonic. The Ghost of Hamlet (Sr.) only appeared at midnight every night and leaves at the sound of a cock crowing. It also disappears at the word “heaven”. Also appearing to Hamlet, who is clearly depressed, doesn’t make the Ghost seem holy especially since the Ghost is feeding Hamlet what he wants to hear.
Hamlet’s anger towards his mother and his uncle is greater than his sadness for his father’s death. He questions more about the marriage than about the death. Hamlet wonders what were the motives behind his mother’s marriage to his uncle. Was it for sex? Hamlet became extremely focused on this fact. His mind is consumed with this thought and it seems like when Hamlet’s Ghost appeared, the Ghost only talked about this fact. He keeps egging it on and on and makes Hamlet believe that his ideas HAVE to be true. If a Ghost tells you that your uncle was after your mother for a long time and your mother is kind of a whore, you are going to believe it.
Hamlet’s mind isn’t in the right state to actually think things through. He’s very depressed, his mind is set, and he doesn’t think of the consequences of his action. He is very quick to judge. He dismisses all women from his knowledge of one. Hamlet’s mind is constantly thinking negative and constantly questioning people’s motives. He doesn’t see the good in life anymore. Having a Ghost tell him more negatives and give Hamlet more reasons why to hate his mother and uncle just adds more to this negativity in Hamlet’s life.

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