Sunday, September 7, 2008

God's Presence in Faustus

The discussion we had on Tuesday Sept. 2nd brought many ideas to my head. I would like to point out one that kept me thinking. In Marlowe’s play, Dr. Faustus, Faustus sells his soul to the devil. Faustus wants knowledge, servitude, and power. Mephastophillis, a demon, goes along with Faustus and serves him. He is to answer Faustus questions but sometimes he doesn’t answer fully.
This is where one of our discussion went to. In the play, the Devil seems to be present everywhere and God is no where to be found. The evil takes a major part in the story while good hardly exists. Even the good angel doesn’t represent the good parts of life. He threatens Faustus by telling him if he continues doing what he is doing Faustus will lose God. Well one thing that interest me, if God doesn’t seem to be existent in this play, how is it that the Devil can’t say certain things?
Faustus asks Mephastophillis who created the universe and Mephastophillis could not say. I believe this is because since God is holy and good and the Devils are the opposite and are against what God represents, Mephastophillis can not tell Faustus that God created the universe. Which, in my opinion, if Mephastophillis was able to tell Faustus that God created the universe, Faustus may decide to repent if he realized that the Devils were weaker than God and God had more power than the Devils. Having the Devil not being able to speak about certain things ties God to the play more than you expect as God is all around and is an unspoken thing to the Devils.
I also want to go back to another idea of how the Good Angel didn’t represent all the good things in life. The Good Angel kept saying things like how God would be mad, how much Faustus would lose if he didn’t repent, etc. The Evil Angel focused on the glories and things Faustus would gain if he went with the Devils. Faustus would gain so much but if he went with the Good Angel, he would be sacrificing a lot. Also, since Faustus studied theology, he already heard what the Good Angel told him many times before. It was nothing new while with the Evil Angel everything was new.
My thoughts on Dr. Faustus are kind of torn. Faustus is a very greedy person and never seems satisfied but he falls for very human ideas and emotions. For instance, with the Good Angel and the Evil Angel, any human would consider going with what you would gain that is while the Evil Angel got to Faustus easier than the Good Angel. Faustus is just being human but every time Faustus speaks in third person or when he doesn’t listen to the Mephastophillis when Mephastophillis is telling him how he hates Hell and not having God really irritates me. Hopefully Faustus will be able to repent before it’s too late.

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